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Data Recovery and Data Loss Prevention Experts Tektonic Can Get You to Full Data Protection Status

In case you haven’t been paying attention to IT trends recently, there are some things you need to know about your data and its protection. It’s not enough anymore to have a few backup sources and call it a day. You need data recovery and data loss prevention experts like Tektonic to advise you on getting to that place of Total Data Protection.

IT professionals are most commonly concerned about ransomware and mobility (BYOD policies), according to a recent StorageCraft survey.

Forty-two percent of IT professionals believe that ransomware is the technology that brings the most risk. Another 38 percent are concerned about mobility and BYOD policies, shows the survey. Hardware/system failure and human error are the most common causes of data loss, according to the poll. Read on for some more eye-opening data loss statistics.

Data Loss Statistics: Ransomware is IT Enemy #1

In the data loss survey, IT pros said they dealt with a variety of issues that cause data loss in the business environment. Most (31%) said that hardware or system failure caused data loss incidents, and 29% lost data due to human error. Another 29 percent mentioned that viruses, malware or ransomware led to data loss.

When asked about which devices were most likely to fail and cause data loss, IT professionals said that laptops are mostly to blame (39%). 26% said they are worried about servers, and another 26% about desktops. Only 4% were concerned about tablets and mobile devices failing and causing data loss.

Data Loss is a Big Deal

Asked which technologies bring the most risk in terms of data loss, IT professionals felt this way about it:

  • 42 percent believe ransomware brings the most risk
  • 38 percent are concerned about mobility or BYOD policies in the workplace
  • 9 percent are concerned about social media use

This survey involved 41 IT professionals in January 2017.

What is Data Loss Prevention?

Data loss prevention (DLP) is a strategy for making sure that end users do not send sensitive or critical information outside the corporate network. The term is also used to describe software products that help a network administrator control what data end users can transfer.

DLP software products use business rules to classify and protect confidential and critical information so that unauthorized end users cannot accidentally or maliciously share data whose disclosure could put the organization at risk. For example, if an employee tried to forward a business email outside the corporate domain or upload a corporate file to a consumer cloud storage service like Dropbox, the employee would be denied permission.

Adoption of DLP is being driven by insider threats and by more rigorous state and federal privacy laws, many of which have stringent data protection or access components. In addition to being able to monitor and control endpoint activities, some DLP tools can also be used to filter data streams on the corporate network and protect data in motion.

DLP products may also be referred to as data leak prevention, information loss prevention or extrusion prevention products.

External threats to data are a major issue, but internal threats can be just as dangerous. Employees and other end users within an organization have the potential to compromise important information and strategies through email.

Data recovery and data loss prevention (DLP) policies can be a key factor in helping Exchange admins fight internal threats. Exchange Server 2013 comes with a number of features that can assist admins in creating and refining DLP policies specific to their organizations’ needs.

Recognize the importance of incident reports

DLP rules and policies can be useful, but not communicating about a violation that needs to be investigated can render those policies useless. When DLP policy violations occur, reports must be made so organizations are aware of what occurred and can take any necessary action — both of which are relatively simple to do in Exchange 2013.

[Source credit: TechTarget.com]

Get a Data Recovery and Data Loss Prevention Expert on the Job

No matter what your data or technology challenges are – we have the solutions to your problems with data recovery and data loss prevention strategies that constitute “the latest thing” in data loss prevention technology.

Tektonic can’t 100% guarantee we’ll be able to recover your data, but, we 100% guarantee we’ll try everything we know when attempting a successful data recovery of your business files, customer spreadsheets, emails, accounting records or whatever files you need to have recovered.  

The Tektonic tech support team has numerous strategies for helping local companies recover from any sort of data loss and then put the proper “data loss prevention” solutions in place so it never happens again.

Did you know that hard drives are the most fragile component in your PC? The fragile nature of hard drives means that data loss is a fairly common occurrence; it has been estimated that 6% of computers experience some form of data loss every year! Since data loss is such a common problem, Tektonic has the tools and know-how to dig into your broken hard drive and retrieve your important information. Tektonic can perform this service on all types of hardware to recover your valuable data.

Don’t Let Data Loss Be a Part of Your Work Day

When your computer crashes and data loss occurs, it can feel like your entire world has crashed with it. A hard drive crashes when small metal disks called platters, which have data stored on them and spin at thousands of revolutions per minute, comes crashing to a halt. A hard drive crash may happen because something as small as dust found its way inside the casing, or maybe the machine was dropped and the delicate balance of the platters was thrown off, or perhaps the tiny moving pieces inside your hard drive simply wore out.

Whatever the reason for your hard drive crashing, though, we have all the tools to successfully recover your data.

We have the means to not only recover data from your broken disc hard drive, but we can also retrieve data from removable magnetic media, flash disc, and other data storage devices. We can retrieve data from a drive running on any operating system like Microsoft Windows, Apple OS, Linux, DOS, VMWare, Novell, and select UNIX interfaces, and we can also support several models of hard disk drives like EIDE, IDE, SAS SATA, and SCSI.

Prevent Data Loss with Tektonic and Datto Data Recovery Solutions

Tektonic is one of Toronto’s leading Datto partners and this means that we know what we are talking about (and doing). We have helped numerous Toronto businesses recover from a simple data deletion caused by human error to a catastrophic data loss disaster.  We’ve seen it all.

The best solution to data loss is to be prepared with a Backup and Disaster Recovery solution.

While Tektonic can retrieve your data from a broken hard drive, it’s much easier to recover data from our BDR solution. Tektonic’s Backup and Disaster Recover tool will automatically back up your company’s valuable data to a secure offsite data center, and we will manage the BDR solution for you as part of our managed IT services.

This means whether you are backing up your data, or disaster strikes and you need to recover data that was lost, you don’t have to panic or even do anything because Tektonic will take care of everything for you with our comprehensive backup and data recovery solution.

For more information about our highly-effective Data Recovery and Data Loss Prevention services, call us today at (416) 256-9928 or email us at sales@tek-help.com.

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